Every one's had those days. You know. The ones that could've been better. The ones that you wish you could've re-done or re-lived. It's the ones where nothing goes right, nothing goes as planned, or nothing goes like you wanted it to. Those days are the rainy days. Those days are ones we take for granted.
We live in this messed up society that takes its bad days and cusses at them or wishes they weren't there. Of course that is not how we should act. I mean, I know we all have "bad days" but are those really "bad days" or are they good days with outstanding opportunities to make a difference in someone Else's bad day?
We really need to define a "bad day". Is it when our car breaks down? Is it when we are late for work? Is it when we didn't get an assignment turned in on time? Is it when we fail a test? Is it when a boy we like doesn't like us? Where does it end? What makes a bad day? It could be any of these, right? Or maybe we should try looking at this from someone Else's perspective. How about not having groceries and watching your family starve to death. Being homeless. Not being able to by your kids Christmas presents. Not being able to pay bills. Watching your unsaved parents/children/other family members die and know that they were not saved. Are our "bad days" really bad days? Or are we just looking for reasons to complain and be selfish when other people are having real bad days?
It's time to wake up to the world around us. The world that is full of hurting people. The kind of people that need a smile and a hug and to be told they are loved. Our "bad days". Our problems. Our bad hair days. The selfishness needs to end. Because there is no reason to pout over not getting a pair of shoes you wanted and letting that ruin your whole day.
I seriously don't think bad days exist. I think every day is a good day; and some good days have really bad moments. But I believe if we are breathing, that's good enough reason to be thankful and make is a good day. Our days are numbered. When we look back, yes, we will see some bad moments, but they made us stronger so that we could enjoy our good days even more.
So next time you find yourself having a "rainy day" just curl up with a book, watch the rain from the window, turn on some Jane Austin movie, and drink a cup of awesome hot chocolate (and don't forget to put on an over sized t-shirt with cozy socks)!!!
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